The significance of natural resources in Iran’s national development plans and annual budgets (the case of Kurdistan Province)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Forestry & The Center for Research and Development of Northern Zagros Forestry Dr. Hedayat Ghazanfari, University of Kurdistan, Sanandaj, Iran.

2 Department of Forestry, Faculty of Natural Resources, University of Kurdistan, Sanandaj, Iran.

3 Management and Planning Organization of Kurdistan Province, Sanandaj, Iran.



This study evaluates the significance and evolution of the natural resources (NR) sector in Iran’s economic, social, and cultural development plans (3rd to 6th plans) and the operational plans of Kurdistan Province. Development plan documents and data from the Management and Planning Organization and the General Directorate of NR of Kurdistan Province were analyzed using documentary analysis, library research, and content evaluation. The results indicated a lack of an evolutionary planning approach and the absence of a dedicated chapter for the NR sector; instead, it was integrated into the chapters on agriculture, water, and environmental management. The third plan focused on national land allocation and rangeland management, while the fourth plan emphasized sustainable forest management, public land ownership enforcement, and land auditing. The fifth and sixth plans prioritized watershed management. All plans highlighted orchard development on steep public lands and low-yield rainfed lands. A notable weakness of the plans was the neglect of promotion and education programs and a significant reduction in the rangeland budget. The results showed that budget allocation was higher in the third and fourth plans than in the fifth and sixth plans (approximately 80% versus 60%). Based on actual budget values, the fourth plan ranked highest, followed by the third, sixth, and fifth plans. Over 21 years of implementation, the share of the NR sector in provincial budgets declined from 1.6% to 0.6%. The findings indicate that the status of natural resources and their share of both national and provincial budgets followed a downward trend over time.


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