Monitoring some of soil characteristics in the Vezg and Toutnadeh forest stands in Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad province

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Research Division of Forest, Rangeland and Watershed, Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad Agriculture and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, AREEO, Yasouj, Iran.

2 Research Division of Natural Resources, Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari Agriculture and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, AREEO, Shahrekord, Iran.

3 Research Institute of Forests and Rangelands, Agricultural Research Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Tehran, Iran.



This research was conducted on two square plots (each 1 ha) located in Vezge Mansurabad (a protected area in Boyer-Ahmad County) and TuteNadeh (in Dena County) in Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad province. Five soil samples, taken regularly over three years from a depth of 0-30 cm from each plot, were analyzed for carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, water content, microbial respiration, soil bulk density, and gravel percentage. The mean carbon storage of soil was estimated at 84.80 t/ha and 67.60 t/ha in the TuteNadeh and Vezge Mansurabad plots, respectively. Three years of monitoring revealed a significant difference between the two plots in terms of soil parameters. In TuteNadeh, the three-year changes in organic carbon and total nitrogen content followed a parallel trend, with a reduction in the former directly leading to a similar drop in the latter's content. At this site, the content of absorbable phosphorus was found to be irregularly altered. Variations in organic carbon content were directly correlated with variations in soil microbial respiration. In Vezge Mansurabad, variations in organic carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, water content, and microbial respiration were similar to those in TuteNadeh, but variations in soil phosphorus were sinusoidal and followed an irregular pattern. The mean quantities of absorbable phosphorus, water content, and microbial respiration in the TuteNadeh plot were 15.44 mg/kg, 12.59%, and 434 mg/kg, respectively, which are significantly different from the corresponding values of 10.05 mg/kg, 13.94%, and 547 mg/kg in Vezge Mansurabad. In conclusion, the results show that soils with higher organic carbon content are relatively richer in other influencing variables.


Main Subjects

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