Quantification of structural diversity of Pistacia atlantica Desf. and Juniperus excelsa M. Bieb. forest stands (Case study: Irano-Turanian region, East Azerbaijan, Iran)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Forests and Rangelands Research Department, East Azerbaijan Agriculture and Natural Resources Research and Education Center (AREEO), Tabriz, Iran.

2 Research Institute of Forests and Rangelands, Agricultural Research Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Tehran, Iran.



This research aimed to quantify the structure of juniper and pistachio forest stands. To achieve this, two one-hectare sample plots were randomly selected: Pistacia atlantica in the Eslami Island region and Juniperus excelsa M. Bieb. in the Kaghazkonan region. Quantitative measurements included diameter at breast height (DBH), collar diameter, tree height, and crown diameter for all trees. The spatial pattern of the two stands was analyzed using the distance-azimuth method, and structural diversity was assessed in terms of species mingling, tree dimensions, and spatial position based on the four nearest neighbors method. The results showed that the most abundant species were P. atlantica and Ephedra major in plot 1, and J. excelsa and Cotoneaster nummularioides in plot 2. The average DBH and canopy cover were 22 cm and 569.5 m² in plot 1, and 4 cm and 1195 m² in plot 2, respectively. Species mingling was low in plot 1 (0.31), while plot 2 had higher mingling (0.5). Additionally, crown area differentiation was high, while height differentiation was intermediate in both stands. The mean distances between trees, 7.4 m in plot 1 and 2.8 m in plot 2, indicated sparse and dense stands, respectively. The assessment of structural diversity showed high values for both stands, with plot 2 (0.539) having significantly higher diversity than plot 1 (0.459). This highlights the importance of species mixture in the structural diversity of forest stands. This information serves as an important tool for silvicultural interventions, monitoring, and evaluating forest stand management effectiveness.


Main Subjects

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