Identification of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi associated with plant species in the Manesht and Ghalarang protected area

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assoc. Prof., Department of Forest science, Faculty of Agriculture, Ilam University, I.R. Iran

2 M.Sc. Student of Forestry, Department of Forest Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Ilam University, I.R. Iran

3 Assis. Prof., Department of Forestry, Behbahan Khatam Al-Anbia University of Technology, I.R. Iran


This study was conducted to identify the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) in Manesht and Ghalarang protected area. For this purpose, 60 plots (400 square meters) were laid out using transect method. In each plot, four micro-plots (one square meter) were established and plant species were identified in these micro-plots. Soil samples were also taken from 0-20 cm depth. Spore extraction was done by wet sieving followed by centrifuge. Then AMF identification was carried out by morphological features of spores. Our result showed that 35 AMF species belonged to the seven families and 10 genera in the studied area. Glomus and Entrophospora with 48.73 and 0.1 percent were the most and least abundant genus, respectively in the studied area. Also, Glomus rubiforme with 88.33 percent and Funneliformis mosseae with 1.66 percent were the most and least frequent species, respectively. In the present study 44 plant species belonging to 32 genera and 17 families were identified. Gramineae, Fabaceae, and Compositae were more abundant families between the studied families.
