Studying the Effects of Participatory and Governmental Management on the Diversity of Wooden Varieties using Diversity Parametric Models

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. Student of Forestry, Yerevan State Agrinean University of Armenia, Expert of Forest Range and Watershad Management Organization, Yerevan, Armenia

2 M.Sc, Faculty of Natural Resources, Tarbiat Modares University, Noor, I.R. Iran

3 ; Professor, Faculty of Natural Resources, Sari Agricultural Science and Natural Resources University, Sari, I.R. Iran

4 ; Professor, Department of Yerevan State Agrinean University, Yerevan, Armenia


In order to investigate the effects of  management models on the diversity of wooden species, forests of third series of Shiler, the first division Mehrbanrud watershed and third and fourth series of eight division of Behshahr – Neka townships were studied with participatory and governmental management respectively. The diversity of the wooden species have been evaluated by diversity parametric models such as geometric series, log series, log normal series as well as broken stick. At first, the radius of local people influence on the forests of the study area has been defined through interviewing with ranchers, doing field studies with GPS. Then, samples of 0.1 ha have been designed in the forest areas which were under the control of local people. Totally, the study area contained of 62 sample plots. The number and the type of wooden species were defined in each plot. Data analyzing was done using PAST software. The result showed that both two regions (region with participatory management and region with governmental management) follow the log normal series model. The results showed that both regions have mature, natural and varied forest resources. Also, forests under governmental management follow the log series model more than the participatory ones. This means that the forests under the governmental management have relatively less numbers of each species. Generally, participatory management conserves the forests structure and their species diversity better than the governmental management.


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