Effect of Basilit on Fire Resistance and Physical and Mechanical Properties of High Density Fiberboard

Document Type : Research Paper


1 M.Sc, Faculty of Natural Resources, University of Tehran, I. R. Iran

2 Professor, Faculty of Natural Resources, University of Tehran, I. R. Iran

3 M.Sc. Faculty of Natural Resources, University of Tehran, I. R. Iran


Fiberboard is one of the widely used wood-based panels for inside the building. In this study, the possible use of Basilit (BH3O3) or Boric acid with two concentrations levels, 3% and 5% for high density fiberboards (HDF) was investigated. Fire resistance properties including weight loss, the development of the flame height and physical and mechanical properties of the samples were determined. The results showed that the samples treated with 3‌% Basilit had less weight loss than the samples treated with 5‌% Basilit and control. In the case of the physical and mechanical properties, the samples treated with 3‌% Basilit had lowest water absorption and thickness swelling and had the highest bending strength.


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