The Effect of Adhesive Types and Dovetail Fitting Height on Stress Carrying Capacity of Miter Frame Corner Joints Constructed of Particleboard and Medium Density Fiberboard (MDF )

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student, Faculty of Natural Resources, Tarbiat Modarres University, I.R. Iran

2 PhD student, Faculty of Natural Resources, University of Tehran, I. R. Iran

3 Professor, Faculty of Agricultural, University of Tehran, I. R. Iran


This study was conducted to evaluate stress carrying capacity of miter corner joints fabricated
with dovetail fitting in frames made with particleboard and medium density fiber board
(MDF) under diagonal tension loading. In this study, tests were carried out to determine
the effects of dovetail fitting height (9 and 14 mm), and adhesive types (polyvinyl acetate
(PVAs), cyanoacrylate (CA) on stress carrying capacity of dovetail joints under diagonal
tension loading, and the joints without adhesive were compared. The results indicate that stress
carrying capacity has increased, with the increase of high dovetail. The stress carrying capacity
of joints constructed with CA adhesive was higher than that of those constructed with PVAs
and without adhesive. Furthermore, the stress carrying capacity joints constructed with MDF
was higher than that of those of particleboard. The lowest ultimate stress carrying capacities
(2.61Mpa) were obtained at 9 mm high dovetail of dovetail joints made of particleboard and
without adhesive. Highest bending moment resistance (8.61Mpa) was observed at 14 mm high
dovetail with CA adhesive in medium density fiberboard.


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