Estimation of the Recreational Value of Nour Forest Park Using Individual’s Willingness to Pay



The aim of this study was to estimate recreational value of Nour Forest Park and measure of visitor’s
willingness to pay for recreational benefits of the concerned park based on contingent valuation method
and double-bounded dichotomous choice questionnaire. To do this, 353 questionnaires were completed
in the park. To investigate the effect of explanatory variables like age and gender on individual’s
willingness to pay, logit model was used and its parameters were estimated based on maximum
likelihood method. The results showed that 80.2 percent of visitors had willingness to pay for
recreational use of Nour Forest Park. The mean of willingness to pay for recreational value of the
concern park was dollar 0.42 per visit and the recreational annual value was estimated $/ha 114.5. The
results revealed that, forest parks had considerable recreational values that this may help the decision
makers and social and economic managers, in the preservation planning and sustainable utilization of
natural resources.
